a bouquet of colors.


a bouquet of colors.


1the archivesㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ5:30
2youth and its dreams5:16
3the magic of carousel5:10

youth and its dreams


welcome to my page fellas ♡

i'm primrosé and you can call me prim, or rose, or anything is fine!

i love writing, drawing, and making up scenarios inside my head

24/7 feeling stressed out

don't be harsh on me, i'm fragile

the magic of carousel

something to keep in mind

if you don't like my stories, you can freely see yourself out

every feedbacks will be very much appreciated ♡

if you want to befriend me, don't be shy to hit me up because it's nice having you around :)

if i've done some mistakes, please remind me anytime

always do remember to be kind